Dr. Ahmed: Three cases illustrate the importance of communication skills in health care and the role of decision tools in facilitating treatment discussions.
Dr. Ahmed: Three cases illustrate the importance of communication skills in health care and the role of decision tools in facilitating treatment discussions.
Dr. Hossain: Decision handout an invaluable tool to support clinician-patient conversations and help overcome health literacy, language barriers.
Dr. Erickson: Being open to a give-and-take of information helps patients make choices that align with their values and preferences.
Dr. Shabbir: Tools support discussions to ensure patients understand their risk.
Dr. Mendoza, chief cardiology fellow at Erlanger Heart and Lung Institute in Chattanooga, TN, shares insights from using a CardioSmart decision aid with a 72-year-old woman with severe aortic stenosis.
Here are key points for patients about new recommendations to restore blood flow to the heart.
For the first time, the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology have released a comprehensive guideline for the evaluation of chest pain.
American College of Cardiology expert consensus decision pathway offers practical guidance to help patients manage hypertriglyceridemia.
The study is the first to track objective, real-time alcohol consumption and heart rhythm changes.
New data reinforce long-term benefits of exercise and healthy food choices.
Researchers call for future dietary guidelines to differentiate between healthy, not-so-healthy proteins based on study findings.
Researchers said the findings add to urgency of assuring access to vaccines for at-risk groups.
Many people with high blood pressure are taking another medication that could raise it.
Researchers call for stepped up preventive care and lifestyle changes for women under age 40.
Women with possible heart attack get less care in emergency departments, study finds.
Measuring coronary calcium is useful to identify people without heart disease who could benefit from treatment, findings suggest.
Minding your mental health may be a key part of taking care of your heart and should be a part of overall care, experts urge in report.
Researchers say quitting at any age has heart benefits but sooner is better.
ACC offers patients timely information about how to care for their heart health during the pandemic.
Large study confirms eating 5 servings a day is best for a healthier, longer life.
Findings are cautionary tale for people using e-cigarettes combined with cigarettes to reduce heart risks.
Nearly one-third of patients receiving this combined intervention lost 5% or more of their weight, new study finds.
Women with a history of gestational diabetes are more likely to have plaque in their heart’s arteries by middle age.
American College of Cardiology statement outlines levels of risk for severe COVID-19 based on underlying cardiovascular conditions.
Cardiac rehabilitation, a three-month supervised exercise program, improves fitness, strength and outlook after stroke, pilot study suggests.
World Health Organization guideline emphasizes regular physical activity and importance of limiting time spent sitting.
Intermittent fasting alone isn’t an effective way to lose weight, study shows.
Research suggests need to raise awareness about treatment guidelines for PAD.
Perspective: While healthy habits are important throughout life, some people younger than 50 might benefit from earlier interventions to lower their lifetime risk of heart attack or stroke.
Report calls for new dietary recommendations to provide clearer guidance about which food sources are heart protective and which are harmful.
New guidelines change how high blood pressure is defined. Find out what you need to know about the latest update.
New guidelines for managing adults with congenital heart disease are a major update to recommendations released in 2008.
Bradycardia means your heart beats very slowly. What you need to know about new guidelines to manage this condition.
What you need to know about new guidelines on managing cholesterol, the fat-like substance found in your blood.
Study also suggests that music may help with motivation to exercise and exercising longer.
Only half of patients with a dangerous cholesterol disorder are receiving proper treatment, shows U.S. study.
Used with exercise stress tests, the new calculator better predicts mortality risk for both women and men.
It’s unlikely that HDL cholesterol is an independent risk factor for heart disease.
Chronic inflammation of blood vessels leads to clogged arteries and increased cardiovascular risk.
Despite mixed findings, experts offer guidelines on calcium intake for adults without heart disease.
The key to improving one’s diet lies in adapting recommendations based on cultural, economic and taste preferences.
Maintaining good health reduces risk for heart attack, stroke and death, shows Korean study of 6.7 million adults.
Five-year study finds vitamin D and omega-3 supplements do not reduce risk for heart events and cancer in healthy adults.
Gum disease may make it harder to treat high blood pressure, finds study of 3,600 U.S. adults.
Study links 2015 Chicago crime surge to increased risk for high blood pressure, even in low-crime areas.
Study finds that healthy, middle-aged adults with poor fitness had up to twofold greater risk of death than those who were physically fit.
E-cigarettes pose an increasing health threat to America’s youth, shows survey study of California teens.
Incentives that encourage better management of high cholesterol appear cost-effective, based on expert models.
Obese patients should be routinely referred to potential weight-loss programs, experts recommend.
Health programming delivered in New York City churches shows promise for black adults with high blood pressure.