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Trimming Pounds

Losing weight can help lower the risk of heart disease, and also help you feel better overall. But how? According to experts, it's best to map out a plan. Here are some tips to get you started:
  • Make changes slowly. Trying to change your lifestyle overnight or lose weight too quickly can often backfire. Think long term and start slowly.
  • Prepare for challenges. Learn the triggers that tend to cause you to eat poorly or not get enough exercise. For example, if you're stressed, plan ahead so you don't fall back on high-calorie prepared foods.
  • Get help from others. Share your weight loss goals with the people you live with or see often. Enlist their support in helping you keep up with healthy habits.
  • Work with your health care team. Frequent, face-to-face visits with your primary care provider or specialists such as weight loss counselors, dietitians and physical therapists are very helpful. If you aim to lose a great deal of weight, medical guidelines recommend visiting a health care professional once a month for the first three months, then every three months for the first year. Many insurance plans and Medicare cover these appointments.

"Again, even a little bit of weight loss goes a long way when it comes to improving heart health and lowering the risk for cardiovascular disease." —Yasmine Subhi Ali, MD, FACC

  • Last Edited 03/31/2019